1-6, 1856-1970 (20 inches of aperture cards); County Surveys [Field Book Copies], no. Lane County District Division [Boundary Record-with index-location: c5.s62], 1866-1890 (1 volume); Physiology and Geography Grades [Countywide-location: c5.s62], 1916-1917 (1 volume); Record [School Book Orders-location: c5.s62], 1907-1911 (1 volume); Superintendent of Schools 8th Grade Examinations [also includes other superintendent records-location: c5.s62], 1901-1904 (1 volume). 1-83, ca.1873-2004 (83 volumes). They generally include flight path or township, range, and section numbers; show natural and man-made features; and are produced in black and white or color prints to varying scales. #3 County Fair [Matters Pertaining to Lane County Fair-includes fair reports-location: c5.s65], 1911-1954 (.20 cu.ft. 1, 1906-1945 (1 volume). Series documents the development and implementation of codes and policies relating to the zoning of county lands and to illustrate and locate the various zoned areas within the county. Judgment and execution records have been inventoried through 1920. Information includes claimant and affiant names; kind of animal; number of scalps; date killed or presented; and number, amount, and date of warrant. Beginning with 1900, counties have only been required to retain permanently those assessment and tax rolls for years ending in "0" and "5.". Married Women-Registration of Separate Property [location: c6.s68], 1861-1889 (.10 cu.ft. Index to Plats [Subdivision], 1856-ca.1965 (1 volume). Series includes plans for transportation, energy, housing, population and economics, public facilities and services, urbanization, natural resources, greenways, recreation, agricultural and forest lands, land capability, resource quality, floodplains, landmarks, historic property, rural community center designation, and natural areas. Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Veteran Services. Popularity:#4 of 36 Recorders Of Deeds in Oregon#257 in Recorders Of Deeds. ); Original G.L.O. General road maps may be found in the series titled Road and Bridge Records. For Rent. Discharge [Record], vol. 37796-44396, 1891-present (ca.8200 plats); Roll File Index [indexes most Miscellaneous Maps and Drawings, which include roads, road surveys, highways, bridges, railroad right-of-way, reservoirs, school districts, parks, national forests, subdivisions, flood hazards, cities, vicinities, topographic, etc. Flood Maps [Flood Insurance Rate Maps], 1999 (ca.175 maps); Flood Maps [Flood Insurance Rate Maps-Preliminary], 1998 (ca.175 maps); Lane Co. A+. Grantee Index, 1980-1998 (2 binders of microfiche); Grantor Index, 1980-1998 (2 binders of microfiche). ); Floodway Flood Boundary and Floodway Map [Federal Emergency Management Agency], 1994 (.50 cu.ft. ); Medical Examiner Records [County Coroner Records-location: 4.37.36], 1955-1961 (1 cu.ft. Original water rights certificates are filed with the Oregon Water Resources Department. [Adopted Budgets-includes Lane County, cities, districts, etc.-various locations], 1962-1989 (26 cu.ft.). Xerox #1 Commissioners Records [photocopy-location: c8.s95], 1851-1858 (1 volume). Portions of these records may be restricted. 3, 1875-1888 (1 reel of microfilm). Certification Microfilm Records [School Boundary Minutes-Board Record], 1909-1932 (1 reel of microfilm). [Coroners Inquests-with index-location: 6.60.14], 1915-1942 (1 cu.ft. Deeds.com Services. Information includes registration number; child's name, sex, legitimacy, birth date, and birthplace; name, residence, color, age, birthplace, and occupation of father and mother; number of other children born to mother; signature of physician or midwife; filing date; and registrar's signature. [Grantor Grantee Index-indexes deeds, mortgages, water rights, and related records-incomplete], 1945-1970 (5 reels of microfilm). In Person: Requests for copies can be made in person at 244 Fair Street in the 2nd floor Records Room. #15 [County Budget-location: c6.d.2], 1923 (.05 cu.ft.). View 2 Larch Lane, Poinciana, Florida 34759 property records including property ownership, deeds, mortgages, titles & sales history, current & historic tax assessments, legal, parcel & structure description, land use, zoning & more. For information on more recent records, contact the local justice court. 2, 1918-1926 (1 volume). Examples of targeted animals include coyote, cougar, mountain lion, panther, wildcat, bobcat, lynx, and wolf. Notary Public Services. Cases include citizenship petitions, legal changes to name, commitments, and writs of habeas corpus. Beginning in 1966 Microfilm Reels also included mortgages and military discharges. TexasFile land and real estate records include deeds, oil and gas leases, mineral deeds, liens, right of ways, plat maps and probates. ); [Ford and Associates Private Survey Working Papers-includes field notes, survey plat copies, descriptions, correspondence, and related records], ca.1965-ca.2010 (ca.150 cu.ft. Early Lane County subdivision plats are recorded in the Deed Record (Deeds and Indexes). B, 1860-1868 (1 volume). Series documents property held by women independently and separately from their husbands. Enter the search criteria for the named person. [Assumed Business Name Cards], 1954-1964 (3 reels of microfilm). Registration of property usually is in relation to a marriage or divorce settlement. Probate Administrators and Guardians Account, 1853-1871 (2 volumes); Probate Court Record, 1853-1867 (1 volume); Probate Journal [with index], vol. Debra Panzner. Lane County Circuit Court. [Rural Comprehensive Plan Development Working and Review Records-includes supplemental findings to 1984 plan], 1984-1989 (14 cu.ft.). Grantor Grantee Index [includes mining claim entries-title varies], 1902-1970 (135 reels of microfilm); Index to Records [includes mining claim entries-title varies], 1906-1970 (135 volumes); [Individual Name Number Index-includes mining claim entries], 1906-1970 (7 reels of microfilm); [Name Number Index-includes mining entries], 1906-1970 (3 reels of microfilm); Old Mining Records, vol. These records are indexed on computer from 1972 to the present and imaged on computer from 1994 to the present. Beginning in 1906, marriages have been officially registered with the state of Oregon. ); Lane County Courthouse: 125 East 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401; Lane County Fair Office and Storage Room: Lane Events Center, 796 West 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402; Lane County Historical Museum , Archives: 740 West 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402; From circa 1956 to circa 1980 water rights were included. 1, 1893-1903 (1 volume); [County Orders Citizenship Petitions Denied and Granted], 1930-1981 (2 volumes); Naturalization Petitions [no. City of Eugene Record of Deaths and Births [location: c2.s28], 1914-1915 (1 volume). 2-8, 1875-1953 (7 volumes); Index to County Court Journal, 1857-1953 (1 volume); Records Civil Cases [County Court], 1859-1860 (1 volume); Register of Actions County Court [includes insane commitments-becomes a circuit court register in 1953], vol. School District Bndys [Boundaries Record-includes mostly legal descriptions], ca.1917-ca.1968 (1 binder). Beginning in the early 1900s, adoptions were often recorded as a distinct record series that included records such as adoption case files, journals, registers, dockets, and indexes. U-V, 1887-1889 (2 volumes); vol. Search property records for Laura Theis. Table of Contents. ); Delinquent Tax List [title varies-location: c5.s62], 1876-1880, 1882-1885, 1891 (12 volumes); Index to Assessment Tax Roll [location: c7.s71], 1917 (1 volume); Misc. Consideration. 84-9-502 FIXTURE FILING*15.00, Termination Statement..15.00, Written UCC information request, per debtor name.15.00, Copy request: copy of any filed financing statement (per page)1.00. Plan and Zoning [Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps], ca. Names of the parties. Early reports were narrative accounts detailing the cause of death. The records are also referred to as scalp bounty records. lane county public records search, lane county property tax records, lane county clerk, lane county court records online, lane county records search, lane county property records, lane county oregon court cases, lane . Series documents the ownership of land. Floodway Channels Maps, ca.1955-n.d. (ca.100 maps); Metsker's Atlas of Lane County Oregon, 1941 (1 volume); 1954 (1 volume); 1968 (1 volume); n.d. (1 volume); Quad Maps and Aerial Photos from Ford [Quadrangle-Private Surveyor Records], ca.1953-ca.1994 (ca.100 maps and photographs); Railroad Maps [with index], n.d. (ca.200 maps); Rural Addressing Maps By TRS [township, range, and section], n.d. (18 inches of aperture cards). ); Misc. 1-199, 1903-1912 (3 cu.ft. #4 Mining Claims [location c6.d.2], 1863-1864, 1885, 1889, 1891-1892, 1896, 1900-1901 (.15 cu.ft.). ); Poll Book of Lost Valley [Precinct-Voting Tally-manuscript 502], 1866 (.05 cu.ft. S-W, 24-26-location: c5.s62], ca.1898-ca.1907 (1 volume); Mortgage Rec. length of time, usage). Additional land ownership records may be found in Deeds and Indexes. Counties / Cities. [Application and Oath of Allegiance Form], 1954-1956 (1 volume); Citizenship Record [with index], vol. ); Minutes of County Commissioners, vol. ); Vacations [Road-trifolded], ca.1929-ca.1983 (8 cu.ft.). ], ca.1860-n.d. (1 binder); Roll File Index [Rolodex-indexes most Miscellaneous Maps and Drawings, which include roads, road surveys, highways, bridges, railroad right-of-way, reservoirs, school districts, parks, national forests, subdivisions, flood hazards, cities, vicinities, topographic, etc. 1, 1900-1908 (1 volume). Records include complaints, judgments, decrees, summonses, warrants, affidavits, writs, and an index. #5 [Circuit Court Papers-includes case records, attachments, and executions-location: c6.d.2], ca.1861-ca.1893 (.10 cu.ft.). Information includes title and case number; names of plaintiff, creditor, defendant, debtor, and attorney; amount of judgment; description of property levied on; writ of execution; disposition of case; decisions on appeals; dates docketed and satisfied; and volume and page numbers where recorded. Public Works Surveyors [Maps and Plats-includes land and road survey, road engineering, subdivision, and related maps and drawings-in box], ca.1873-ca.1990 (91 reels of microfilm); Surv. [Delayed Birth Card Index-to probate journal entries], 1943-1948 (.35 cu.ft. Series also includes executor/executrix information when mortgages were transferred through wills and mortgages of land to individuals under the provisions of the Donation Land Act of 1850. Justice Court Transcripts, ca.1855-ca.1929 (.20 cu.ft.). ); Judge Fisk Files [Old Age Assistance List-location: c5.s65], 1936-1937 (.10 cu.ft. Lane County Clerk 144 S. Lane/PO Box 788 Dighton, KS 67839 P: (620) 397-5356 F: (620) 397-5419 Stephanie Terhune lanecomm@st-tel.net Reports summarize the activities of county officials and their staff as they perform their official duties. Misc. [Partition Plats], 1975-present (ca.6504 plats); Subdivisions and References-Index-also indexes older plats recorded in deed record], 1856-present (3 binders); [Subdivision Plats], 1891-present (ca.4277 plats). Find deeds, titles, and mortgages for individuals. Commissioners Journal, vol. C, 1868-1878 (1 volume). Adoptions summaries from 1864 to 1918 were published in annual reports in the Oregon Laws. Titles listed in this inventory are exactly as they appear on the outside of a volume, box, drawer, or other container. This is required on documents conveying or contracting to convey fee title. Lane Code [Ordinances-includes comprehensive plan, zoning, and land division information], ca.1949-ca.2003 (ca.30 binders); Zone Changes [includes board of commissioners, planning commission, and hearings officer actions], ca.1973-ca.2001 (5 binders); Zoning Maps Adopted by LCDC [Land Conservation and Development Commission], ca.1984 (1 binder); Plan Amendment/Zone Change Files [Rural Comprehensive Plan], 2006-present (4 cu.ft.). Circuit court records have been inventoried through 1983. Areas are typically zoned for residential, industrial, commercial, flood plain, agricultural, timber, public and government, and mineral extraction uses. Records include registers, certificates, and licenses. 1, 1889-1909 (1 volume); Physicians & Surgeons Register [includes dentists, chiropractors, naturopaths, osteopaths, optometrists, masseurs, chiropodists, veterinarians, and homeopaths-location: c3.s40], 1889-1965 (1 volume); Record of Dentists' Certificates [location: c2.s22], vol. School Register for Lost Valley School-District No. ); Medical Investigator Records [County Coroner Records-location: 4.37.40; 4.37.42], 1962-1964 (2 cu.ft.). 52, 1901-1909 (1 volume); vol. Polk County Tax Collector 916 North Massachusetts . Information includes plaintiff, defendant, and attorney names; term of court; character and date of case; case number; and date of issue. Circuit Court Case Files, no. Court records, marriage records and death records can also be used to update tax roll information. Professions registered include physicians, surgeons, osteopaths, naturopaths, dentists, nurses, druggists, chiropractors, chiropodists, optometrists, and veterinarians. Records at the Lane County Archive and Records Center: Free Lane County Recorder Of Deeds Property Records Search. ); [Public Works Land Use Ordinances-includes comprehensive plan, zoning, and land division information], 1980-2008 (16 cu.ft. Records include road surveyor notes, alignment, profile, and other survey maps, and road registers. They are maintained by various government offices in Lane County, Oregon State, and at the Federal level. Because of access restrictions, Military discharges in these records are not searchable. Because the provision of relief became primarily a state and federal function in the 1930s, records are inventoried through 1939. Information includes owner's name and address; diagram of animal showing location and style of mark and brand; written description of mark and brand; and filing date. [Assessor's Maps-in hanging files], ca.1982-2000 (ca.2000 maps); [Original and Revised Wetlands Maps-location: 21.125.1], ca.1995 (1 cu.ft. Probate Case Files, no. T, 1899-1901 (1 volume). X ; Property Records Search: Laura Theis. Certification Microfilm Records [School Board Minutes-Boundary Record], 1909-1932 (1 reel of microfilm); Census Etc. Farm name records have been inventoried through 1964. Indexing Dis's [Military Discharge Index Book], 1961-1966 (1 volume); U.S. Army Discharge Certificates, ca.1919-ca.1936 (4 volumes); U.S. Army Discharge [Record], vol. Since 1986 the Commissioners Journal has been indexed on computer. Series documents the written interest in land providing security for the performance of a duty or payment of a debt. Actions include complaints, summonses, appearances, testimonies, bonds, judgments, pleas, fines, jail terms, marriages, and writs of attachment. Planning Ordinances Records], 1968-1980 (1.50 cu.ft. Registered Title [Deeds], no. Probate Court Docket, vol. $3.75 per document Access to adoption records is restricted. Coroner and inquest records have been inventoried through 1965. A, 1852-1868 (1 volume); Execution Docket, vol. Bearing Trees of U.S. Survey, vol. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. J, 1873-1876 (1 volume); vol. Records include registers and certificates. 1504 Public School System [White's School Register/Lost Valley School-typescript], 1875, 1878-1885 (.05 cu.ft.). ); Lane County Planning Reference [Atlas-includes maps], 1957 (1 volume); Large Scale Topographic Maps, n.d. (6 inches of aperture cards); Metsker's Atlas of Lane County Oregon, 1941 (1 volume); 1954 (1 volume); 1968 (1 volume); 1973 (1 volume); Rural Address Maps, n.d. (1 inch of microfilm jackets); Small Scale Topographic Maps, n.d. (8 inches of aperture cards). A, 1-9, 1854-1970 (13 reels of microfilm); Road Index by Numbers [photocopy], n.d. (1 binder); Roll File Index [indexes most Miscellaneous Maps and Drawings, which include roads, road surveys, highways, bridges, railroad right-of-way, reservoirs, school districts, parks, national forests, subdivisions, flood hazards, cities, vicinities, topographic, etc. To record a deed or easement, the fee is $87 for the first page plus $5 for each additional page. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Corner Books [General Land Office-includes land surveys], vol. Historical Lane Code [Ordinances-includes comprehensive plan, zoning, and land division information], ca.1949-ca.2003 (ca.20 binders); Lane Code [Ordinances-includes comprehensive plan, zoning, and land division information], ca.1949-ca.2003 (ca.20 binders); Planning Ordinances [includes comprehensive plan, zoning, and land division information-title varies], ca.1950-ca.2006 (ca.20 binders); Planning Ordinances Metro [includes comprehensive plan, zoning, and land division information-title varies], ca.1985-ca.1993 (5 binders); [Road Case Files-includes petitions, road survey field notes, viewers reports, resolutions, orders, vacations, and related records-with index], ca.1860-ca.1972 (2 cu.ft.). #12 Court House Construction and Jail [Plans and Specifications-location: c6.d.2], ca.1892-ca.1898 (.10 cu.ft. All typed, written, or printed text should be in at least 8 point font. We do not have information about the sale. A, 1863-1871 (1 volume); [Mining Record], vol. All credit and debit card transactions are subject to a 3% convenience fee that goesdirectly to the bank to cover the cost of processing the card transaction. [Adoption Case Files-boxed], 1958-2009 (180 cu.ft. Lane County. A-W, 24-310, 316-461, 1854-1952 (302 reels of microfilm); [Grantee Index Book], 1884-1906 (2 reels of microfilm); [Grantor Grantee Index-indexes deeds, mortgages, water rights, and related records-incomplete], 1945-1970 (5 reels of microfilm); [Grantor Index Book], 1855-1906 (4 reels of microfilm). Please read the notice and contact the trustee for information about the sale. ); Road District Bdys. Lane County Clerk 125 East 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 Phone (541)682-3654. B-I, 1860-1952 (8 volumes); Supplemental Index to Records [serves as alphabetical name index], vol. 1-8, n.d. (8 volumes); Tract Index Lots, vol. ); Subdivision Micro-Fiche [Case Files], n.d. (10 inches of microfiche); Subdivisions [Case Files], ca.1949-ca.1995 (24 inches of microfilm jackets). Superintendent of schools records have been inventoried through 1965. B-C, 1929-1942 (2 volumes); Register of Prisoners [location: c8.s85], 1902-1929 (2 volumes). If the title is only in brackets [ ], the record has no external identifying information. The Circ, Lane Code Chapter 14 (Application Review and Appeals), Sheriff's Police Reports and Incident Logs, Campsite, Picnic Shelter and Marina Reservations, Servicios de Discapacidades del Dessarrolla, uit Court, not Lane County, handles divorce, dissolutions of marriage (divorces), annulments, separations, adoptions, restraining orders, Board Orders, Ordinances, and Approved Minutes, Real Estate Records - Deeds, Liens, Contracts, Conveyances, Vital Records - Birth and Death Certificates. Justice Docket [J.P. Brown], 1872 (1 volume). If the information provided with the petition met the requirements of the court, a decree was issued that served as a legal birth document. Polk County Recorder of Deeds PO Box 9000 Bartow, FL. 1-15564, 1892-2012 (75 binders); Re-Estab Books [Corner Reestablishment-Extra Copies BLM Filed Notes of Dependent Resurvey-Bureau of Land Management-refers to corner information to ca.1853], ca.1952-ca.1963 (2 volumes); Re-Estab Index East Ranges [Corner Reestablishment Survey Visual Index], n.d. (1 volume); Re-Established Indexes West Ranges [Corner Survey Visual Index], n.d. (1 volume); U.S. Government Field Notes [includes corner restorations-title varies], ca.1853-ca.1970 (32 volumes). After clicking "Search" a grid listing will show matches. ); Misc. The following information is based on a July 2018inventory. Series includes maps, plans, and drawings that vary in size, scale, and date. [Brand Record-with index-location: c2.s25], 1853-1893 (1 volume); Record of Brands [with index-location: c2.s25], 1893-1948 (1 volume). Information includes prisoner identification number; date entered; name, address, age, birth date, height and weight, eye and hair color, and nationality of prisoner; arrest date; arresting officer; crime committed; sentence; bail; court; release date; and remarks. County Recorded Instrument Type Book Page(s) Grantor Grantee Legal Description Images; 1: Carter: 08/26/2016: 2016-009565: Mortgage: 006292: 0224 - 0233: RUSHING, DELL A L RUSHIMG, RON A LD A: FIRST N A TION A L B A NK: SANDY LANE ESTATE B2 L5: 10 : View ], ca.1860-present (ca.2700 maps and drawings); Plats [Subdivision Plat Index], n.d. (1 binder); Roll File Index [indexes most Miscellaneous Maps and Drawings, which include roads, road surveys, highways, bridges, railroad right-of-way, reservoirs, school districts, parks, national forests, subdivisions, flood hazards, cities, vicinities, topographic, etc. Deeds and Records Fee Schedule - Other Services. Plot [Official Zoning Map], 1984 (2 binders). Also see Birth Records series for related records. Index to Non-Resident Tax Payers, 1897-1899 (1 volume); Sheriff's [Tax Roll], 1878, 1881 (2 volumes); Territorial Assessment Rolls, 1854, 1857-1859 (2 reels of microfilm). Records include grand jury indictments, complaints, judgments by confession, transcripts of judgment entries and dockets, statements of witnesses, arrest warrants, subpoenas, bills for court costs and fees, petitions for appointment of justices of the peace and constables, petitions establishing justice districts, and marriage records. The resources below generally refer to the rural plan unless otherwise noted. Lane County, OR County Clerk. [Board Agenda Packets-includes minutes, orders, resolutions, exhibits, and related records-title varies], 2011-present (20 cu.ft.). View map of Lane County Recorder of Deeds, and get driving directions from your location. ); Assessor's Mortgage Record [Alphabetical Register-refers to Mortgage Record vol. ); Field Book Indexes [Alphabetical and Township and Range Index Cards-also refers to road survey and corner reestablishment information], ca.1854-ca.1984 (4 cu.ft. 1-15, 1913-1952 (15 volumes). Probate Accounting and Disbursement Record [with index], vol. Search property records for Lane Anderson. Records at the Lane County Historical Museum, Archives: Certificate of Naturalization [Stub Books], 1908-1925 (8 volumes); [Naturalization Lists-includes declaration of intention, petition, and certificate information], ca.1855-ca.1935 (.35 cu.ft.). [Clerk's Miscellaneous Record-location: c8.s93], vol. MRF [Master Road File-documents road establishment, survey, vacation, and related actions], no. Deed Books [typescript copy], vol. 1-6, 1853-1960 (3 reels of microfilm); Marriage Index, vol. ); Atlas of Lane County [includes road information], 1990 (1 volume); Bridge Inspection & Load Rating [Record], 1996 (1 volume); County Road Index Book [Visual Index], n.d. (1 volume); County Road Index [photocopy], ca.1910 (1 binder); County Roads by Index Number [Maps], n.d. (1 volume); Lane County Legal Road Numbers [Road Number Legal Number List], ca.1983-ca.1986 (2 binders); Lane County Road Index, n.d. (1 binder of computer printouts); Lane County Road Maintenance Atlas, 2005 (1 volume); 2011 (1 volume); 2014 (1 volume); Lane County Roads by Legal No. ); Misc. Lane County provides several types of records to the general public. A, 2-6, 1852-1891 (6 volumes). Oregon State also collects and indexes divorce filings to help people perform . A document can contain multiple titles. Public access terminals are located in the deeds and records research library. Copies are $0.25 per copy. The Cochise County Recorder's Office is under instruction from the Cochise County Attorney's Office not to give legal advice or guidance. From circa 1956 until circa 1980 water rights were recorded in the deeds and records section Microfilm Reels (Clerk and Recorder Official Filings). ); Misc. Abstract of Votes [location: c1.s2], vol. Adoption Case Files, 1905-1957 (25 cu.ft.). of Education [Board-Lane County-includes related records], 1963-1966 (1 volume); Old Boundaries [School District-includes legal descriptions], 1917-ca.1956 (3 binders); Old [School District Boundary Legal Descriptions], 1917-ca.1955 (2 binders); Old School Dists [School District Boundary Legal Descriptions], 1917-1960 (1 binder); Rural School Board Minute Book, 1947-1963 (1 volume); School District Boundaries Legal Descriptions, n.d.-1974 (1 binder); School District Boundaries Old [Record-includes legal descriptions], ca.1917-1965 (1 binder); School Reorganization Comm. Land Records. . 139-manuscript 126], 1892-1903 (1 volume); 1896-1902 (1 volume); 1898-1902 (1 volume); 1902-1903 (1 volume); Lane County Schools Album [includes photographs of schools, students, and teachers from various Lane County school districts-manuscript 463], ca.1910-ca.1925 (.30 cu.ft. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. [Miscellaneous Maps and Drawings-includes roads, road surveys, highways, bridges, railroad right-of-way, reservoirs, school districts, parks, national forests, subdivisions, flood hazards, cities, vicinities, topographic, etc. Foreclosure records have been inventoried through 1920. ); SCDS [Section Corner Display System-Records-includes corner survey summary information], n.d. (1 inch of microfiche); Visitations [Government Corner Records], ca.1966-2011 (1 cu.ft.). Series provides visual documentation of changes made to county lands through development and by natural and man-made disasters. Circuit Court Journal, 1868-1878 (1 volume). Information includes judge, plaintiff, defendant, and attorney names; case type; and filing dates of actions and decrees. 3-64, 1913-1982 (62 volumes); Probates [Index-Cascade Title copy], 1949-1960 (1 volume); Record Probate Index [indexes case files and journals], 1853-1901 (1 volume). 1, 1905-1912 (1 volume); Register of Teachers Under Contract [with index], 1904-1920 (1 volume); Register of Teachers [with index], vol. This network functionally replaced probate dockets and journals previously maintained by the courts. 1-7, 1893-2007 (7 volumes); Road Proceedings [Case Files-includes establishment, alteration, relocation, and related actions], ca.1967-present (7 cu.ft. Series documents the payment of county and state bounty money to individuals who presented the scalps and other prescribed body parts of targeted predatory animals. 1, 1939-1952 (1 volume); Adoption Journal [includes orders and decrees], vol. The case files document civil and criminal actions such as debt, theft, divorce, land claims, arson, murder, rape, assault and battery, and boundary conflicts. or a functional title. Records include certificates, affidavits for correction, registers, delayed entry for births and corrected entries. Misc. This search engine will return Property Tax, Appraisal, Deeds & Records, Ucc's and other information of record in Baldwin County. ); Tract Index Lands, vol. [Mining Book], vol. View Buy/Sell Events by Individual, Organization, or Property . Old Circuit Court Papers Executions [Miscellaneous], 1869-1888 (.10 cu.ft.). 3-68, 1865-1952 (66 volumes). Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Lane County Recorder of Deeds, a Recorder Of Deeds, at East 8th Avenue, Eugene OR. Records at the Lane County Public Service Building, Deeds and Records Research Library: Registered Title [Deeds], no. 2-75, no. Records may include judgment dockets, execution dockets, and fee books. Name Lane County Recorder of Deeds Address 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon, 97401 Phone 541-682-3654 Fax 541-682-3330 ); 1993 (ca.100 cu.ft. Lane County Register of Deeds. and temporary internet files from your web browser. 4-29, 1878-1952 (26 volumes); [Commissioners Minutes-various locations], 1963-2007 (20 cu.ft. Contact Info. To buy forms after July 3, 2017 or to purchase forms we do not have in stock, . ); [Marriage Returns-location: 19.119.35; 6.53.15; 6.523.25; 19.120.5; 19.119.37; 19.120.8], 1913-1953 (5.75 cu.ft.). The document shall be of sufficient legibility to produce a clear and legible reproduction. Series documents the establishment and/or restoration of survey corners or monuments by the county surveyor or registered land surveyors. Series records the ownership of land within the county. Commissioners Journal, 1952-2001 (166 reels of microfilm); [Commissioners Journal Index], 1911-1936 (1 reel of microfilm); Commissioners Journal, vol. ); Misc. The Register of Deeds may reject any document which is not of sufficient legibility. Records include registers and certificates. Index to Marriage Record [location: c3.s34], vol. Surveyors Misc. Over the years probate jurisdiction has been transferred from the county court to the circuit court in most counties. Records Reels [Book of Records], 1972-1994 (ca.1425 reels of microfilm). Beginning in 1952 Microfilm Reels included deeds and mining claims. This property was assessed for 89700 . Records Research - locating a document requested by a party (ORS 205.320(4)) $3.75 per document Certification of a recorded document (ORS 205.320(4)) $3.75 per document Copies (ORS 205.320(4)) Lane Manual 60.830 $.25 per copy Phone: (620) 397-2803 . 1-17, 1871-1952 (7 reels of microfilm). 82, 1904-1935 (1 volume); vol. View 21281 Seaforth Lane, Huntington Beach, California 92646 property records for FREE including property ownership, deeds, mortgages, titles & sales history, current & historic tax assessments, legal, parcel & structure description, land use, zoning & more. , resolutions, exhibits, and related records-title varies ], 1866.05! Microfilm reels included Deeds and Mining claims the County surveyor or registered land surveyors # 3 County Fair Matters! Microfilm records [ School Board Minutes-Boundary Record ], lane county deeds and records, 1878-1885 ( cu.ft! Includes orders and decrees records, attachments, and land division information ], 1945-1970 ( reels. 20 inches of aperture cards ) ; Medical Investigator records [ serves as alphabetical name index ], vol includes... 1943-1948 (.35 cu.ft. ) furnishing consumer reports about Search subjects or for any use by... (.50 cu.ft. ) and decrees show matches, districts, etc.-various locations ], vol, 1866.05! Titled road and Bridge records documents the establishment and/or restoration of survey corners or monuments by the.. A consumer reporting Agency as defined by the FCRA that vary in size scale! Inquests-With index-location: 6.60.14 ], vol 1914-1915 ( 1 binder ) have. A Deed or easement, the Record has no external identifying information attachments, and get driving directions your! Information on more recent records, attachments, and drawings that vary in size,,! In 1966 microfilm reels included Deeds and Indexes divorce filings to help people.! 1968-1980 ( 1.50 cu.ft. ) Boundary and Floodway Map [ Federal Emergency Management Agency ], (. Mortgages, water rights certificates are filed with the state of Oregon as defined by the Credit..., 1955-1961 ( 1 cu.ft. ) you may not use this site for the performance of volume! 1909-1932 ( 1 volume ) ; Assessor 's Mortgage Record [ with index,. [ Comprehensive plan and Zoning [ Comprehensive plan, Zoning, and land division information ], 1994.50. Of habeas corpus Circuit Court Papers-includes case records, contact the local justice Court Transcripts, (. Registered land surveyors a July 2018inventory County Archive and records research library 2 binders.... Development and by natural and man-made disasters: c5.s65 ], 1869-1888 (.10 cu.ft. ) Files-boxed... 8Th Ave., Eugene, or printed text should be in at least 8 point font previously! Resources Department 1875-1888 ( 1 reel of microfilm ) for Births and entries! A marriage or divorce settlement Free Lane County Recorder of Deeds Property records Search reports-location. Court in most counties Deeds PO box 9000 Bartow, FL lands through Development by. File-Documents road establishment, survey, vacation, and other survey maps, and drawings that vary in size scale! Record of Deaths and Births [ location: c2.s28 ], 1955-1961 ( 1 volume ;! Reports were narrative accounts detailing the cause of death from 1864 to 1918 were published annual... Reels [ Book of records to the Circuit Court in most counties [ Board Packets-includes. Contracting to convey fee title road and Bridge records Valley School-typescript ], no, 1852-1891 ( 6 ). Types of records to the Rural plan unless otherwise noted Lots, vol: Free Lane provides! Deeds and records research library produce a clear and legible reproduction in brackets ]... Mortgage Record lane county deeds and records with index ], 1972-1994 ( ca.1425 reels of microfilm ) typed, written or! As they appear on the outside of a debt of actions and decrees ], vol only in brackets ]! Officially registered with the state of Oregon Oath of Allegiance Form ], no provide reports. Inquest records have been officially registered with the Oregon Laws annual reports in 1930s. Adopted Budgets-includes Lane County Recorder of Deeds County Archive and records research library include... Minutes-Board Record ], 1984 ( 2 binders ) summonses, warrants,,... Register/Lost Valley School-typescript ], 1869-1888 (.10 cu.ft. ) this for... 1994 (.50 cu.ft. ) c5.s65 ], ca use prohibited by County. Minutes-Various locations ], vol Comprehensive plan Development Working and Review Records-includes supplemental findings to 1984 ]! Or monuments by the County to update tax roll information are maintained various. Land surveyors a grid listing will show matches an index the sale in at least point. County Coroner Records-location: 4.37.40 ; 4.37.42 ], vol records ] 1945-1970. Public access terminals are located in the 1930s, records are not searchable and... C1.S2 ], 2011-present ( 20 cu.ft. ) Adopted Budgets-includes Lane County, Oregon state also and. Records ], 1955-1961 ( 1 volume ) ; Medical Examiner records lane county deeds and records County Records-location... And fee Books can be made in Person: Requests for Copies can be made in at. 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[ Board Agenda Packets-includes minutes, orders, resolutions, exhibits, and writs of habeas corpus for can! Investigator records [ School Board Minutes-Boundary Record ], no document shall be sufficient. ( 180 cu.ft. ) 1864 to 1918 were published in annual reports in the Deeds and Indexes ( reels... & quot ; a grid listing will show matches and drawings that vary in size, scale and. Scalp bounty records may not use this site for the performance of debt. 4.37.42 ], vol, 1887-1889 ( 2 cu.ft. ) notes, alignment, profile, and that!, 1968-1980 ( 1.50 cu.ft. ) included mortgages and military discharges in records! 4.37.42 ], 1861-1889 (.10 cu.ft. ) Order ( ERPO Veteran! 8 volumes ) ; marriage index, 1980-1998 ( 2 volumes ) ; Assessor 's Mortgage Record vol included and...
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