Streamgauges reporting the most discharge on the Kennebec River, Discharge comparison for the highest gauges over the past 10 days, Streamflow discharge range for this time of year. discharge, others provide great tailwaters. You can find a
Another possible launch site is found across the river just below the dam. Title: USGS Current Conditions for Maine The Rangeley River, located within block E3 on page 28 of the The Maine Atlas and Gazetteer, is a fly fishing only river which flows in a westerly direction from Rangeley Lake at Oquossoc to Cupsuptic Lake.Rangeley Lake Dam is located at the head of the river which flows about a mile through land protected by the Rangeley Lake Heritage Trust. Landlocked Salmon in this stretch of the river. Join the Maine Guide Fly Shop for some late season landlocked salmon fishing on the East Outlet of the Kennebec River in Maine. River from Moosehead Lake to Tide Water. That report includes some good news, along with some not-so-good. Kennebec River at The Forks, Maine - USGS Water Data for the Nation Kennebec River at The Forks, Maine Important Legacy real-time page Monitoring location 01042500 is associated with a STREAM in SOMERSET COUNTY, MAINE. You will be glad you did. Good
West Outlet:The other route from
Somewhere there is a happy medium
Landlocked salmon and brook trout are the two main species in this section of the river but it also holds some rainbows and brown trout. Weight Forward taper line, 3 to 4 foot leader. It's also the source of that wave of water that carries
Behind the mill in Bingham (just upstream
Locked padlock It starts as two outlets from Moosehead Lake where it flows through two dams. A real good time to learn the dimensions of the pools and runs. Vertical Francis, Generators - General Electric, Water Usage - 8,000 CFS, KW output -
This is a rocky area and the current can be
fishing can be had in front of the campground and just below it in the vicinity of Gray
are now inundated by dams. Tail Water level - 121 ft above sea level, Average Expected annual output - 84,738,000 kwh, Pertinent Data, Constructed - 1930 by Central Maine Power, Turbines - 3 @ 102,000 hp
Normal Tail Water level - 372 ft above sea level, Average Expected annual output -
'Flowcast' marks a Waterline managed site that has flow projections and current flows. Just below the Dam Pool is the Gage Pool. Follow West River Road to Recreation Drive. Access to the water just below the dam
U.S. Geological Survey // -->