Also, both twins are descended from a dark history involving their magical lineage, which is partly due to their siphoner-heritage. With the meeting adjourned, Lizzie spells the ascendant to keep Hope from taking it. Alaric is wounded and bleeding from the neck. Lizzie explains that she is turning over a new leaf, that she spelled a bracelet to zap her with increasing voltage whenever she said anything mean. His brain is still showing signs of activity, and he may still be able to hear them, though the prognosis is grim. Lizzie doesn't take the suggestion well, and tells Sebastian that whilst she has thought about becoming a vampire before, she doesn't know what the future holds and doesn't want to lose the ability to have children or start a family. Lizzie asks about her notes, though Aurora refuses to elaborate on their meaning. In I'll Tell You a Story, Lizzie is trying to apologize to Josie with cakes. What they have here at the school is a home, a family. She needs to salvage whatever they can, though Ethan reiterates that it can kill Hope. Cleo asks Lizzie about what happened to her during her simulation the previous night. Later after an encounter with Alyssa, Sebastian grows annoyed and leaves the school to attack a nearby runner. It is on the trip that it is revealed that she created him a daylight ring. Lizzie opens a small door, revealing her face. She then makes Josie promise that she will not keep any more secrets, to which she agrees. Forgoing practice, he goes with her, leaving MG alone. Kaleb arrives and attempts to confine the monster, but his superior strength knocks him through a wall. Panda promise. Since Lizzie's already a witch, and is now a vampire, she's . In Goodbyes Sure Do Suck, Lizzie attempts to aid Rafael and Landon with a transference of power spell in a hope to preserve Rafael's life. Lizzie decides the best option is to use magic. Maybe after they find Aurora, Hope might not release the sire bond. I Carry Your Heart With Me (Flashforward)This Woman's Work (First Present Day Appearance/Birth)The Tale of Two Wolves (TO)This is the Part Where You Run (LGC) However, a rainbow appears overhead, and Lizzie isn't the one who's created it. The spell to wake them up never existed. Later, Lizzie comes to join MG to watch over Hope with tea and sodas. With Hope gone, Professor Vardemus questions if her emotions are heightened, too. Are Lizzie and Josie witches? On May 12, 2022, it was reported that the . She questions why she's changed her mind. Finch offers to let them siphon from her, as much as they need, despite the risks. But more importantly, Ethan asked her out and she said 'yes'. Lizzie retorts that they obviously wake the time god, whoever that is, which proves Aurora's point. Lizzie planned to visit 22 various locations each day to accomplish the goal of killing of the vampire population, specifically the European population. In reality, it's too bad because she really liked Josie. So yes, it seems like Lizzie somehow turned into a vampire, which has major significance beyond just the mysteriousness of how it happened. Now unable to let anyone else hurt her, Lizzie was also forced to obey a humanity-less Hope's every whim. (LGC). They need to kill Hope, but she'll have to do it without him. The pile of wood then beings to be set ablaze. She can't have that and tosses him one of the two stakes. As a side effect, they share a hallucination based on a story that she wrote when she was young, as well as a sequel that Hope wrote about. Lizzie tells her just a second and tries to keep going, but her pleas reach Lizzie. She hates how many good memories they have and how she is the one to do this when no one else is willing to do it. She's mad too, but they can't do this without her. Lizzie's still brand-new to being a vampire, but once she learns how to fully utilize her Tribrid-tapped powers in Legacies season 4, Lizzie could very well become the most powerful Heretic the world has ever seen. MG and Lizzie and Kaleb and Cleo embrace one another in hugs as they break and embrace everyone. Lizzie admits that she tortured herself trying so hard to be nice, and all it got her was a headache and everyone thinking that she was infected. MG continues that they can't offer an explanation until they talk to him about it first. This upsets Lizzie, and she breaks down crying. Ultimately, Jen accepts their offerings. The mood turns sour and awkward, but Lizzie notices that Malivore has awakened from the head dive, seeing MG and Hope on their secret mission. The dummy, Ken, and she are covered in silly string and she notes that this is a bad omen. Hope remarks that Nature really doesn't waste any time, unlike her. Hope is quicker and shoots Lizzie in the shoulder. Lizzie gets pushy with her, asking how long it will take because her whole life is on pause until she can find a way to explain what happened to everyone. In order to keep up their storyand allow Hope's plan to succeed, howeverLizzie must remain dead to the public. Hope, however, has another question while holding the Red Oak stake. For her sake, they need to find another way. That night, she and MG stop to get gas as they take the ascendant away from the school. She reprimands Hope for bringing her sister into this magical business. She's also the co-leader of California Freelance Writers United, a grassroots organization advocating for smarter legislation and forward-thinking labor law for freelance writers in California and across the country. After a millennia, her father was finally offering her a place in the family by his side, but all she could think about was how he punished humans for every little thing with earthquakes, fires, floods. Cleo tells her that this spell may be further than she should consider going. Thankfully, Lizzie recognized that she could use a potential death to her advantage, dying with vampire blood in her system. Permitting they allow him, he too wants to go back as well, to the time when his lover, Ashur was alive. While she proposes to finish the evening in the clearing, Rafael tells that he is present tonight but it will be without continuation and that last night was a mistake, saddened she wonders where is her sister. She doesn't believe she's ready to face the world alone. All he knows is that he found a necklace when he woke up, but doesn't recall where it came from either. When Magnus the Magnificent takes center stage, asking for two volunteers, she and Hope raise their hands. Combining that with her ability to siphon, Lizzie's Legacies season 4 path could have been very dark indeed. All they have to do now is watch it slowly fade away. Eye color He explains that he's been doing some thinking in Limbo, something that Lizzie's not aware of due to the lack of communication. That's the key. Making another last minute turn, she questions Lizzie why she doesn't trust her with the map. Lizzie even mentions that her friends are going to come look for her as soon as they find out what happened. Deep down, Lizzie meant every word she said and still believes that there is still some good in her. He's trying to split them up and fight on multiple fronts. Lizzie leaves to go wake her father, but the deputy stops her. Hope sets her loose, deciding that their partnership is over. However, she's keeping a close eye on her sister's whereabouts with a locator spell. Lizzie and Jen return from the Monster Truck rally. MG enters with Sebastian, and Lizzie thinks that she is having another episode, however Josie reveals that she too can see Sebastian, who is revealed to be real. Lizzie, however, is asking him to be a hero. Alaric, however, has no recollection. After The Vampire Diaries ended, Jeremy Gilbert worked as a teacher at the Salvatore School. The pain will probably never go away. Lizzie wanted to see if she could reach her goal in less than a . She will then finally have her vengeance. She also questions what they do with Jen herself, who's clearly loath to raise any god. Lizzie finds Hope in Alaric's office going over the Manticulum's readings. She hid the key inside of him. After the Green Knight is defeated, and Nimue returns to the lake, Lizzie talks with MG about how the day went. Later, she and Josie pull her from the prison world. Whilst there, she finds out that Sebastian too has been sent here, and Alaric lied about his whereabouts. MG immediately believes he doesn't have too. It's weird because it's like she doesn't even want to ask herself the question. In their last meeting, she believed him absorbed. In the 'Legacies' season 3 finale, Ethan asks Lizzie out But as Ethan spends the day with Lizzie, he begins developing feelings for her. She'll never get the chance to apologize and explain that she hated what she had to do. Hope explains that once Aurora is dead, she will make her promise to not to kill her and then send her on her way; she'll be free-ish. Hope has had enough tests, though. With this, she knocks Hope out with a log and goes to see the Keeper. Hope would rather skip the verbal sparring and get to the actual fighting and demand that she give the coin back to Josie so they can perform the spell. MG is not going to be happy about this one. She's everything to him and he's been waiting for years to tell her, but there's always been something in the way. She believes that she won't kill her. She asks to be unchained and she'll tell them. Follow Legacies Fan Page on Instagram : Legacies Fan Page on Facebook : With Legacies bringing back so many previous characters from The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, it's a shame that Valerie never returned in Legacies, as it could've supported the audience's understanding around Heretics. Hope points out Samantha's red crystal and asks why she's subjugated to sacred dirt duty. She doesn't want to believe it, but Cleo was right. As she begins the spell, however, she finds that Landon contains no magical energy to transfer, therefore is likely human; this comes as a shock, but Lizzie is adamant that she will find another way to help save Rafael's life. Legacies has worked to be its own series. She reassures her sister that she's getting the girl. She calls out to Landon, but he is unresponsive, which alerts her to the fact that he is possessed by the oni. Before she eats her, she plans to kill Hope first. The betrayal forced Hope to feel a flicker of emotion that made her question her humanity, especially Lizzie's comparison of Hope to a monster. Hope comments that she's already failed. Lizzie and Aurora make their way back to the Salvatore School. She and Josie confront Alaric, questions if this dangerous monster is just a magical pony. Hope realizes why she's holding on to her. He slams the spear into the ground, releasing a shockwave of energy that sends the four of them flying into the air. In a motel room, she and Hope imprison Aurora in enchanted chains. Hope pushes for them to continue the spell despite the possibility of dying. Despite Josie's pleas, Finch answers the question, citing that people grow and change and you just hope it's in the same direction. Later, she talks with Kaleb. This makes her the only person at this moment to actually remember Hope. Her existence was revealed in Let Her Go by Kai, the babies' uncle. One of these days, she's going to have the most obnoxious, beautiful, and expensive weddings, ever. He tips his hat to her and rides off into the night leaving her. Alaric picks up the fork to stop the vibrations and proceeds to comfort his girls. Legacies airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. Hope can push her buttons too easily, and her emotional stability has never been at the top of her rsum. In her defense, Aurora claims that she can be quite symptomatic at times. However, he knows they'll figure it out, better than he could. While she cares deeply for her sister and father and would do anything for them, she is incapable of seeing things from their perspective. They're not using magic, the leprechaun is and they can save their school in the process. Lizzie doesn't believe him, but it doesn't matter because her dad told her that the best way to make amends is to listen to what people need. Then she and Hope telekinetically take a saw and dismember him where he stands. During the school election for the honor council, she expected to win and felt betrayed when Josie won instead. The farther he can throw it the farther the pukwudgie will have to phase to go get it. She explains that she was jealous of her working with Hope as she's heard it all before. Josie, with a smoothie in hand, enters the stage, wondering if she's late. Later, she learns that the leprechaun was released by Hope and has consumed all of the money they've gained from fundraiser day, as well as other artifacts from the school. By his side she explained that their father was asleep and she could set him free, however his curse will remain so as long as their father lived. Lizzie knocks Josie's books from her hands and Finch helps pick them up as they talk. She was holding on to her because she was scared of losing them all. Lizzie begs to differ because she's named her metal shop "Torch 'n Toke." Aurora reassures her that it wouldn't. Fundraiser day is officially canceled, but Lizzie believes that it doesn't even feel like home any more. She has friends and she and Josie won't let that happen. She'd also sneak down the mountaintop and visit the human stables to feed them apples. The Vampire Diaries franchise officially ended, with the Legacies finale tying off the loose ends from both prior shows. Hope is more pessimistic and describes the situation as if everyone is on drugs. Lizzie gives her a bit more insight and believes that her dark side isn't the one holding on to; she is. In That's Nothing I Had to Remember, Lizzie hangs out with Landon to protect him from the croatoan, the new monster terrorizing Mystic Falls. Taking a break, Lizzie confronts Hope. She wants to follow and go with him. There's someone that knows Landon and she needs them to get her there. Lizzie tells her she's in no shape to fight, but Hope refuses to listen. And by the end of the hour, the Super Squad was down one very magical member. After the spell is completed, Alaric takes the girls away. Hope commends her on her compulsion and Lizzie wonders what the next test will be. Lizzie decides that she will perform the spell in Josie's stead, as she is her blind spot, just as Landon is Hope's. In You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know, Lizzie is pondering over what species Sebastian could possibly be, and if he could possibly be another monster sent from Malivore. With Hope momentarily out of the way, she uses her magic to remove the dark object and release Aurora. Lizzie embraces Ethan in a hug, then MG before bringing them all together. The midseason hiatus finally solved the problem of the Merge, with Lizzie being killed by Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) but being resurrected as a vampire. Turned They stand there and watch as the wood goes up in flames. Lizzie attempts to talk her way out of it, but Hope won't hear it. Lizzie falls to the floor, dead. Lizzie focuses on the part where she's blown herself up in the process, but MG encourages her. Lizzie and Hope talk after their confrontation with Jen. They are successful in sending the sand clock away, however due to a plan enacted by Alyssa Chang, Lizzie, Josie and Alaric are transported to the Prison World too. The following morning, she sits with MG until he comes too. Nevertheless, Hope is impressed with Lizzie and offers her death or life. Hope's plan was dangerous and vows that it is the last time she does anything for her. First seen But with Kaylee Bryant's exit from Legacies as Josie Saltzman, it was a story Legacies needed to resolve and to do it, they turned to The Vampire Diaries. Alaric's already a dead man and she will be too if she crosses paths with Hope Mikaelson. They won't be triggered by seeing ex-boyfriends, nor be ones to make out with ex-girlfriends. She tells Lizzie that she became aware of a weapon that can kill the tribrid, but kept it to herself, too afraid what others might choose to do with it. As somebody who's made their fair share of mistakes, he believes that the trick to atonement is to ask the people that you've wronged how to earn it, instead of deciding for them. Lizzie can't because she agrees with him. Alaric continues to explain how Ben told them about a mixture the Spartans used to harm the gods. Alaric agrees that they can bring it up at next months meeting, but Josie chimes in, wanting to convene an emergency session and knew how they were going to vote. Lizzie explains she was in a dark place and if she got ahold of a weapon that could kill Hope, she might have done something awful. Getting out is always about getting to the root of your problems. Lizzie and Hope continue to discuss their options. They then sleep together in the gym, only for Rafael to backtrack and tell Lizzie the next evening, during their dance at her sixteenth birthday party in Mombie Dearest, that they weren't going to be more than friends. Lizzie was originally born as a siphoner, a witch with no power of her won, meaning that she could only practice magic by siphoning it from another source. In some respect, Lizzie was right, but MG explains it's not what she's thinking. Aurora attempts to speak, but Lizzie casts another spell to silence her. Perhaps she'll be less judgmental when she has blood on her hands, too. Pulling out her notebook, Lizzie has another idea. It's ultimately Lizzie's attachment to the superficial that will prevent her from doing the introspection necessary to avert the breakdown clearly on the horizon.[3]. In Just Don't Be a Stranger, Okay?, the Salvatore School holds a memorial service for Ethan on the front lawn of the grounds. Hope uses the motus spell to take the Red Oak stake from Lizzie's hand, but Lizzie casts incendia and incinerates the stake before Hope can use it against her. Finch wakes up hearing this and denies such an act, not knowing her heritage. Who does Lizzie like in Legacies? . Jen accepts her offer. Lizzie assumes then it was because Hope actually killed her and she lied to him about it, though again, that's not it and she was sire bonded to Hope. In To Whom It May Concern, Lizzie keeps herself occupied considering it's Josie's first day at Mystic Falls High School. Lizzie believes she can truly help and looks for MG's approval. All are welcomed and Lizzie decides to take them to meet Andi. They are at first unaware of the meaning of the statement, but eventually realize they have been placed into a game when the two die crossing the road, but are resurrected. She is approached by the members of the school who previously resented her, but are now happy to see she is not dead. Hope reminds her about the sire bond, though Lizzie can't forget considering what Hope is forcing her to do. Lizzie admits that's a good idea, but doesn't trust Kaleb enough to do it since he sold them out to Malivore. Seline tells them to go put on their swimsuits while they chat. With their time running short, Lizzie cuts to the point. Hair color However, this one time, she had a secret he couldn't know about. Lizzie is concerned and asked how their father is doing given he has lost his position as headmaster. She believes it's a suicide mission against Aurora and there is nothing in this for her. In The Lies Will Catch Up To You, Alaric returns to Mystic Falls along with the girls. That's not who she is anymore, so if he wants to fight to save this school, then she's here to help, if he still wants her. Lizzie asks Alyssa if she can win the Merge, however Alyssa tells her that she is unlikely to win. She explains that everytime the pukwudgie phases, the collar will track the distance and frequency of its jumps so that way they can learn how far and how often he uses his powers before he runs out of juice, like Ethan. On the football pitch, she does not involve herself much in the game, instead looks through books at potential supernatural species that Sebastian could be attributed to. "Ric" Saltzman is a main character of Legacy. In Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, Lizzie and Aurora hold Ben captive and chained to a tree. Back to when Tristan was alive, to when her father wasn't broken, to when Hope had her humanity and Josie was still with her. Her theory was correct. However, Josie keeps having to remind her that their father isn't dead. From her point of view, it's pretty obvious that Lizzie doesn't really want to be her friend. Alaric will go to the abandoned train station, alone and face the townies to rescue Hope. Sebastian arrives shortly after Lizzie has returned home and volunteers himself to be the anchor, allowing Alaric and Josie to return home. Lizzie, desperately not wanting to do it, broke the sire bond, betrayed Hope by snapping her neck, then freed Aurora. Lizzie tells her that she can fix that if she lets her out since her magic doesn't work on this god stuff. They join hands in a circle of branches and other herbs and as they cast the spell, the nearby Cherry trees begin to blossom. Finch remains by Josie's bedside in case she wakes up. Rafael attempts to stop her, but they both ultimately give in after Lizzie states, "Don't think about it." If Lizzie finds a spell to help, she'll be there to help. However, in I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime, Kai stabs Jo in the abdomen multiple times, killing her and supposedly killing the twins. However, that's exactly the plan; he knows what each of them are capable of doing. Josie answers truthfully; she's a terrible sister. As werewolves approach the two, Lizzie casts a barrier spell preventing their advancement. Hope surmises that she can place Josie within Lizzie's mind until she can be returned to normal. She entrusts the task to MG, who accepts. Lizzie has found a loophole to her father's rule. After leaving him by the roadside, Sebastian catches back up with her after she pleads with Landon to return to the school. In Moonlight on the Bayou, Alaric, the twins and Caroline head to Dallas as he wants to keep his promise to Jo. He chooses them and they join him on stage. During the election results, she is happy that Rafael is elected representative of the werewolf, already imagining forming a powerful couple but very quickly disappointed because she didn't win. This god stuff proves Aurora 's point the mountaintop and visit the human stables to feed them apples 's her. To use magic casts another spell to help some respect, Lizzie casts a barrier spell preventing their.! 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