918-423-4700 FAX: 918-423-3862, Oklahoma State Reformatory (OSR) Records show that DOCs investigators recommended at least two individuals be charged with first-degree murder in the case. You cant retreat in a prison.. You will need to utilize the "bill pay form" and the following information: Company Name: Corrections Corp of America A medical examiners report listed the cause of death as being a stab wound to the left shoulder. United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. 405-425-2506 It houses minimum-security, medium-security and close-custody residents. 405-425-2707 The company also owns the majority of prisoner re-entry halfway house beds in the state. 405-425-2114 FAX: 405-425-2578, Chief of Staff Correctional officer sentenced for sexual abuse of a ward, accepting bribes and smuggling contraband into the Northeast Ohio Correctional Center Acting U.S. Attorney Bridget M. Brennan announced that Barbara Davis, 47, of Youngstown, Ohio, was sentenced to five months imprisonment and five months of home confinement by U.S. Judge Sara Lioi. The inmate stole the officer's pepper spray and sprayed the officer's face and at other responding officers, Sullivan said. 405-425-2596, Medical Services 405-425-2440 Jackie Brannon Correctional Center (JBCC) Jim Farris, Warden PO Box 1999 McAlester, OK 74502-1999 918-421-3339 FAX: 918-426-0004. . Oklahoma City, OK 73111-4298. Facility: (CIMAR, NFORK, DAVIS) P.O. In one of its motions, CCA states that an opposing gang member did come into contact with Mayden, but does not say who. One Irish Mob gang member who was not with the group who walked down the stairs said the attack occurred without warning that he was suddenly hit in the back of the head and then he began fighting people he believed were associated with the Universal Aryan Brotherhood. The departments administrative investigation report states that the officer assigned to Charlie North did not deploy his pepper spray until after the fight had ceased after being yelled at by a supervisor to do something, and only then deployed his spray on an offender who posed no risk to him. 580-713-7291 FAX: 580-351-2641, Legislative Liaison Corr. Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women. 2016) (per curiam); Santiago . Union City, OK 73090 Jason Bryant State v. Davis (Davis I), 802 P.2d 541, 543 (Kan. 1990). Phone. Newsweek has reached out to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections and the Holdenville Police Department for comment. Share by Facebook. Sharon Harrison, Facility Administrator 580-977-3800 FAX: 580-977-3834, Environmental Health and Safety Administration 405-527-5676 FAX: 405-527-9892, Mabel Bassett Correctional Center (MBCC) John Masquelier, Facility Administrator Petitioner filed the instant 2241 habeas petition while incarcerated at McRae Correctional Institute in McRae-Helena, Georgia, . THE FRONTIER. Anthony Fulwilder, 31, who was serving a 23-year sentence on a 2003 conviction in Oklahoma County for six counts of robbery with a firearm and two counts of shooting with intent to kill. The fourth, Diamondback Correctional Facility in Watonga is empty, but the company has. The Bent County Correctional Facility (BCCF) located 85 miles east of Pueblo, was built by Bent County and opened in 1993 as the first private correctional facility in the State of Colorado. Tweet 144 Prison Lane Troy, VA 22974. Sunday's incident comes after a correctional officer in New Jersey was hospitalized last month after being badly beaten by an inmate at Northern State Prison in Newark. As a nonprofit news organization,The Frontieris funded by tax-deductible donations made by people who support quality journalism. However, the Department did not penalize the company for those violations by withholding payments, which is allowed under the contract between the state and private prison company. 405-425-2567, Institutions ANTHONY LEROY DAVIS, Petitioner, v. CASE NO. Lockett could not remember who had responded to him and the report does not state whether other officers recalled hearing Lockett call for assistance before the fight was underway. Ashlee Clemmons, Chief Financial Officer However, as prisoners and facility staff would soon learn, it also meant that if there was a gang disturbance in the common area of a unit, prisoners who did not want to be involved would be unable to voluntarily retreat to the safety of their cell. The riot becamethedeadliest incident in Oklahoma corrections history. The report also recommends charges of first-degree murder and possession of contraband in prison be filed against the Universal Aryan Brotherhood member who allegedly stabbed Tignor and Tiffee. 3400 North Martin Luther King Avenue Cimarron Correctional Facility's Charlie North unit is a two-story medium-security unit with cells along the bottom and top floors surrounding a "dayroom" common area where prisoners can watch TV, play games or socialize. The current facility replaced the former jail, which was built in 1964 and held 62 inmates. 1605 E Main Street Potts then asked for an attorney, saying he did not want to self-incriminate, and the interview was ended, the report states. The inmate "began his assault by unexpectedly punching and kicking an officer faced away from him, landing several strikes to the head and face before a distress signal could be called," William Sullivan, the president of PBA Local 105, a union that represents New Jersey corrections officers, said in a statement. Moore Haven Correctional Facility 1282 E SR78 NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Glades County Phone: 863-946-2420 Contractor: THE GEO GROUP, INC. Oklahoma City, OK 73111-4219 12352 Coffeewood Drive Mitchells, VA 22729. But the responding officers were having difficulty. Davis v. Warden, FCC Coleman-USP I, 661 Fed.Appx. Share, In this screenshot from surveillance video taken at Cimarron Correctional Facility on Sept. 12, 2015, Correctional Officer Terrance Lockett can be seen standing at the top of the stairs, while prisoners wounded in a gang fight tend to their wounded. 405-425-2592, Food Service Quality Assurance The facility also has a medical unit and workspace for Correctional Industries' programs. Essentially, it means CoreCivic is suing its former prisoners and the estate of one of its former prisoners and asking that they be required to pay the company compensation if it is required to pay damages in the Mayden case, said Spencer Bryan, a Tulsa attorney who is representing the Tiffee estate in its suit against Core Civic. Investigators believed one phone belonged to a prisoner at Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester and the other belonged to another inmate at a different facility. Matthew Davio, a spokesperson for CoreCivic, the company that operates the facility, told Newsweek that the inmate attacked the officer with a "homemade weapon.". Jacob Wheeler, Inspector General Oklahoma City, OK 73136-0400 580-480-3700 FAX: 580-480-3999, PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) The video from the camera is captured on a feed to the facilitys Central Control, and the camera could be manually operated by correctional officers stationed in Central Control. Danny Douglas, Accountant IV Le Bourg-d'Oisans is located in the valley of the Romanche river, on the road from Grenoble to Brianon, and on the south side of the Col de . The company owns four prisons in Oklahoma two of which it staffs and operates through a contract with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (Cimarron in Cushing and Davis Correctional Facility in Holdenville), and one of which it leases to DOC (North Fork Correctional Facility in Sayre). But even that didnt go smoothly. Elmira Correctional Facility is a maximum security level facility for males. Sayre, OK 73662-3122 405-425-7374, Jackie Brannon Correctional Center (JBCC) A group of inmates was being returned to their housing area from a recreation area when the officer was attacked by the inmate, the department said in the release. The After Action report also refers to the containment of the incident to Charlie North swift and effective. Yet, staff members interviewed by DOC investigators said bringing the inmates under control was anything but swift and effective even after pepper spray was used by officers, prisoners would not comply with orders, and one shift supervisor said it should not have taken 10 minutes to bring the inmates fully under control. David Stenhouse (Id. Kameron Harvanek, Warden 405-517-0979, Lawton Community Corrections Center (LCCC) The prison is located near the Louisiana-Arkansas border.The N-5 Special Management Unit, which as of 2001 holds some 50 prisoners, is a special protection unit for prisoners at risk. Donald G. Redwood. The personally identifiable data is stored both electronically and in confidential paper files. A shift supervisor who responded to Locketts call said he saw Tiffee and Tignor lying on the floor unresponsive but being attended to by other inmates, and he began applying pressure to Tignors chest wounds, the report states, while simultaneously giving verbal directives to the other prisoners to step away and lay on the floor. DOC records state that Tignor was a validated member of the Irish Mob. Oklahoma City, OK 73111-4298. Lawton, OK 73501-9765 Justin Giudice, EAP Contract Coordinator The report recommended second-degree murder charges against Kruta, Whittington, Broom, Jordan and Scott, as well as possession of contraband charges against several other prisoners who were not charged later but were linked to weapons possession through witness accounts, surveillance video or DNA analysis. Warden. Helena, OK 73741-1017 A few days after the first civil lawsuit was filed against CoreCivic in September 2016 by the family of a prisoner killed during the fight, Lockett said he was making a scheduled court appearance for his criminal case when a man in a suit walked up to him in the courthouse. Northern Nevada Correctional Center (NNCC) opened in 1964 with three housing units. After entering the unit the officer said she was recording and recalled seeing prisoners lying on the ground, a prisoner holding what she described as a blue metal knife possibly fashioned from a door frame at the facility, and staff members rendering medical aid. Oklahoma City, OK 73118-7634 According to the FBI affidavit in the case, Potts largely ran the Tulsa branch of the organization. Mariea LeFevers . Mayden then ran up the stairs to the second floor and then back down the stairs before collapsing near the units exit door, the report states. Coxs actions were cited in the After Action report as one of the main factors in getting the prisoners on Charlie North under control that day. 405-425-7554 FAX: 405-425-7502, Auditing and Compliance The data is shared in compliance with court orders and agreements with other government bodies. It carries the reader through Pam Withrow's first-woman roles at Camp Brighton and Jackson Prison and toward her appointment as the first woman to head a male prison in Michigan-the Michigan Dunes Correctional Facility. We knew we were going to have to have a difficult time putting this together.. Ponca City, OK 74601-5123 Secondary: 580-713-7279 1879 Davis St P.O. "Our hearts go out to the officer's family, friends, and coworkers at this time," the Department of Corrections and Davio said in a statement. Jim Farris, Warden "Additional details are pending the outcome of investigative efforts.". preareport@doc.ok.gov, Private Prison Contract Monitoring Toll Free: 1-800-559-9544 (24hr/7day) About the Facility. On his way to the unit, Cox stopped by central control to pick up chemical agents spray, a bag of chemical agent grenades and a MK 46 High Volume delivery system, sometimes referred to as a pepper ball gun. The day after meeting the attorney, Lockett said he was told by prison officials that he should not talk to attorneys for the plaintiffs in the civil suit or to the media. Petitioner is in state custody at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas ("HCF"). Ross Fisher, M.D., Chief Medical Officer Phone: (434) 983-4200. That Universal Aryan Brotherhood member, who had himself been stabbed multiple times in the melee, then allegedly began to chase after Tiffee, who fell backwards over some chairs onto the floor, where he was then stabbed by his pursuer, a witness told investigators. Email. Prison records show Lockett put one inmate in his cell, but rather than safely lock him in, Lockett pepper-sprayed the compliant man. This will depend on the size of the facility. Donnie Lewis, Grants Manager There is no place to retreat. Shawna English Mitzi Bennett, Chief Administrator Janet Bolton, Acting Chief Administrator The Oklahoma Department of Corrections contracts with private prison and county jail contractors as a means to provide bed space and constitutionally required services for inmates. Lawton, OK 73501-8294 La Mure coal mines, Susville, Grenoble, Isre, Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes, France : 'South of Grenoble on the N85. Jess Dunn Correctional Center (JDCC) Casey Hamilton, Warden PO Box 316 Taft, OK 74463-0316 918-682-7841 FAX: 918-682-4372 . 9901 N I-35 Service Rd The nurse said she also utilized nearby inmates to help her provide aid to the victims. Travis Gray, Administrator PO Box 316 Correctional Reception Center (CRC) 11271 State Route 762 Orient, Ohio 43146 Learn more Dayton Correctional (DCI) 4104 Germantown Street Dayton, Ohio 45417 Learn More Franklin Medical Center (FMC) 1990 Harmon Ave Columbus, Ohio 43223 Learn more Grafton Correctional (GCI) 2500 South Avon Belden Road Grafton, Ohio 44044 Learn more Customer Service: 405-964-7200, Oklahoma State Penitentiary (OSP) Workplace (WP) Violence Incidents: 405-425-2511 Court records show that for months, Lockett was making appearances in court without an attorney, and even unsuccessfully petitioned for a public defender, court records show. The administrative report, which examined the incident and facility for violations of policy, goes into greater detail than the After Action report, offers information that contradicts part of the After Action report and touches on the prisons locked-door policy, which is not mentioned in the After Action report. Millicent Newton-Embry Anatase, axinite, and epidote on the dumps of a mine." [Belot, 1978] Le Bourg-d'Oisans is a commune in the Isre department in southeastern France. A witness told investigators that Fulwilder was fighting with several other inmates, but it was not clear who stabbed him. 918-302-3103 FAX: 405-425-2675, Region II (Probation & Parole Services) Box 16545 Atlanta, GA 30321-0545 Alternatively you can send money to inmates located at Davis, Cimarron, and North Fork Correctional through Western Union. One of the first responding nurses to the scene said she entered the unit and saw Mayden laying by the door, cold and blue. After seeing Tiffee, Tignor and Fulwilder, the nurse began working on Fulwilder because she recalled feeling as though Fulwilder had the best chance at survival so she attended to him, the report states. 918-682-7841 FAX: 918-682-4372, Jim E. Hamilton Correctional Center (JEHCC) I just dont remember making that call, like that, or whatever it was, Potts is quoted by investigators as saying. Fountain 3800. Mark Gentry, Warden The deletion of the video from the handheld camera and failure to turn over the video showing the correctional officers full shift were violations of Department of Corrections policy, as was allowing non-security staff members into the unit before it was fully secure, the report states. Before it was over four gang members two from each gang were dead and four other inmates were injured. The prison-riot footage and scenes of a prison warden rushing down a hallway in a herd of reporters in the 1994 film Natural Born Killers were . ET: This article has been updated with comments from a CoreCivic spokesperson. For more data, call 256-637-6378, or 9-1-1 for emergencies. Nearly 23 ounces of chemical inflammatory agents were deployed by staff during the aftermath, DOCs investigative report states. We cant do it without your support. Alva, OK 73717-3004 The main concept of the program was to limit and control inmate movement and lessen the threat of a disturbance being caused by prison gangs by preventing offenders from retrieving contraband or weapons from their cell and bringing them into the common areas of a unit, the report states. PO Box 11400 The Frontier was able to obtain the video, administrative and criminal investigation documents. In the After-Action teams report, the quality of the video produced by the camera as well as the contamination of evidence by staff were cited as concerns. Michelle Bass, a nurse at the facility told investigators that when Locketts call for help came over the radio, there was terror in his voice. Tennessee-based CoreCivic is one of the largest private prison companies in the world and has facilities throughout the country. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Byrd told investigators that the prisons Phase Program had been beneficial, the report states, though some inmates complained about being locked in or out of their cell. This is a private prison ran by CoreCivic under a contract with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Donate to The Frontier to support local independent investigative journalism. Stephanie Adams, Manager 405-425-7008 FAX: 405-425-7317, Intervention/Re-entry Services Minzhe Wu, Administrator Most of the prisoners DOC investigators attempted to interview declined to speak with them or provided little to no information. 3400 N Martin Luther King Ave., 405-527-5593 FAX: 405-527-4841, K9 Program Lockett pleaded guilty in April to the two charges in exchange for a two-year deferred sentence, court records show. Address. In a lawsuit brought against Corrections Corporation by a prisoner who was injured in the fight, Lockett, who was also added as a defendant in the case, attorneys for the plaintiff submitted handwritten statement by Lockett attesting that the prison company had hired an attorney to represent him in the criminal case and that he had tried to warn other correctional officers that the fight was about to occur, but was told to call back later. 6888 E 133 Rd 407971 Highway 62E 918-256-3392 ext 256 FAX: 918-256-4421, Dick Conner Correctional Center (DCCC) The assailant has been identified and isolated from other inmates, according to the release. He was also fired by CoreCivic. Atmore AL, 36503-3800. Universal Aryan Brotherhood members were relocated to a different unit at the facility in an effort to separate the groups and prevent further violence, the report states. 580-346-7301 FAX: 580-346-7214, Mailroom/Document Services Mark Knutson, Manager Lockett said members of the two groups began walking toward each other, not saying a word, and Lockett said he began shouting for the two groups to stop, the report states. In Compliance with the reporting requirements of 74 O.S. 2020 E Maine Ave Sheriff Name. TOP. Julie Rose, Manager The inmate's name was not immediately released. Paul Haines, D.D.S., Chief Dental Officer SE Suite 458 East Tower Atlanta, GA 30334 580-889-6651 FAX: 580-889-2264, Human Resources 405-425-2871, Construction and Maintenance 405-425-2079, Chief of Operations 3106.4[C], this agency is making known that it stores name, birth date, place of birth, mother's maiden name, biometric records, Social Security number, official state or government issued driver license or identification number, alien registration number, government passport number, and employer or taxpayer identification numbers. Correctional facility is a private prison Contract Monitoring Toll Free: 1-800-559-9544 ( 24hr/7day ) About facility... Support local independent investigative journalism, Chief medical officer Phone: ( CIMAR, NFORK, DAVIS ) P.O Holdenville! Newsweek has reached out to the FBI affidavit in the world and has facilities throughout country. Donnie Lewis, Grants Manager There is NO place to retreat has been updated with comments from a CoreCivic.. 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