Coordinates: 155541N 1202056E. Hi Ajay Gemstones play an important part in many individual lives. All in all, if youre thinking about buying an emerald to enjoy the benefits of wearing the emerald stone, its advisable that you get your birth chart read by an astrologer so that you know that emerald is, indeed, your lucky stone. You may also like to read Red coral and its benefits How to wear it in the right way? Dear Raj, you can go for Emerald and Blue Sapphire along with Diamond. It should be worn at the time of sunrise on Monday during the Shukla Paksh (Waxing Moon). It is closely associated with the planet of Mercury. Diamonds created a long history of being highly-valued and sought after by most individuals. Have a ring with emerald. As per astrology, precaution should be taken before wearing this gemstone. However, the Aries ascendant can wear this when the planet Mercury is posited in its own sign and exalted sign in Gemini and Virgo particularly when the native is running through the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Mercury. It might harm to the native of Leo ascendant. You can wear Blue Sapphire with silver in the middle finger on Saturday and Emerald with gold in little finger on Wednesday. My DOB is 20/03/85, Place of Birth is Dubai UAE and Time of Birth is 08.30 am. Please advise. Brings harmony to life Everyone desires to enjoy a happy and peaceful life without troubles. Little-known benefits of wearing a silver ring 1.Silver boasts antimicrobial effects Over the years and across multiple cultural divides, silver has been lauded as a precious metal that boasts immense and rather potent antimicrobial powers. This stone can be a boon for the person born in Virgo ascendant as the planet mercury is the lord of Lagna (ascendant) and 10th house which is the most beneficial planet for the native. Thankyou very much for your quick response..really appreciated. Nakshatra -pushya Hi Weight Matters Also known as panna, emerald is worth wearing only if it weighs 3 ratti, 6 ratti, or 7 ratti. Benefits Of Wearing Emerald Stone. thank you! Plus if I do wear it what is markesh effect here. Hi Bhawna, the Emerald should be of at least 5 carats and you should wear it on Wednesday morning of bright fortnight. 2. Emerald would neutralize the planet if Mercury is debilitated, combusted in between malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu. After 20:57 it is Taurus. The weight should be at least carats. What are the benefits of wearing emerald? The blog addresses the following questions: how to choose the right product, what to look for when buying and where can you buy quality jewelry? Ruby the gemstone for Sun is one of the most impressive and effective gemstones among all other gemstones. Preferred gifting choice for loved ones 7. Good for physical health benefits: With its amazing healing properties, panna stone treats major diseases related to heart, abdomen, kidney and brain. My concern is my fluctuated career n income flowwhich gem do you suggest fr my. You can wear Emerald as life stone. Whether you are a male or a female, the right hand is the correct choice for wearing a diamond ring as per astrology. Hence wearing Diamond or White Sapphire can be a boon for both career and marriage. Attracts wealth 4. Dear Sir, It opens up your mind so that you can have clarity in your thoughts and act wisely. Youll be counted amongst one of the best problem solvers in your workplace since your visualization power will be way better than others. Nature of Emerald stone - Cold. Negative impact on personal life: Wearing an emerald without proper consultation can affect your relationship with parents, in-laws, and children. Apart from this, you can read Aditya Hriday Stotram everyday for your career and conjugal happiness. it signifies . That is why you have been experiencing ups and downs in your career. Once the above process gets completed, wear the ring and start experiencing the benefits of Emerald in a just a couple of months. Wearing the Panna stone will impart victory in challenging situations and increase in fortune. You can go for it since you are born with Taurus ascendant. Emerald should touch the skin of your finger. What stones suitable for me to wear? b) The wearer is protected from enemies and negativity. Emerald, a cold gem is said to be a highly effective stone in Indian Vedic Astrology. Like all fine jewelry (yes, even diamonds), you should remove your rings before doing anything strenuous. The suitable gems for the Mercury can elevate your life to a great extent. The powerful Mercury in the birth chart can make one very intelligent, wise, sharp, receptive and articulate. Place of birth- udala,Odisha. . There are many benefits of wearing emerald gemstone. The emerald is recommended to dispel the negative impact of the planet Mercury. That is why it is strongly denied to wear the green Emerald for the native born in the Aries ascendant. Emerald is well known for its healing powers. The Emerald you can use wit gold. You can wear both or one of them depending upon your budget. Manage Settings These gemstones have from time ancient prove that many a person fortunes change for the better after using it. Kindly suggest. Thus, good news for those individuals who have born in the month of May that they can wear this felicitous gemstone to pursue the enormous positive and magical benefits of wearing emerald gemstone. Mona Punjabi / May 1, 2017, 16:46 IST. If you are still unsure about studying overseas, it is always good to speak to an experienced person who can help you point in the right direction. Need a Consultation? Ruby. my dob is 31-8-1978, time 6.35am, can you plz suggest me to put which lucky stone c) Emerald stone reduces the chances of cheating and losses in business and accelerates decision making power and intuition of the wearer. Emerald is not a suitable stone for you. Up to 20:57 Aries is going on. So, by wearing Panna Stone in this finger one is able to extract maximum benefit of wearing a Panna Stone. My birthday is 14/6/1991, 16.35pm Mumbai. 7th, 9th, 10th, or 11th house can wear the Emerald gemstone. Then, offer Lord Agnabatti and yellow flowers to Lord Vishnu, for activating the ring, for . It is also known to bring good luck when worn in silver or gold metal. So, your lucky gemstone is Yellow Sapphire as the planet Jupiter is the lord of 9th (fate and fortune) and in debilitation. In this post, I would like to explain about who should wear an emerald according the Lagan (Ascendant). The Zircon is the substitute gems for Diamond. However, it is very important to consult an astrologer before wearing the green emerald. One of the biggest challenges that students have to face in life is a distraction. a) The individual should wear the stone only after consulting Expert Astrologers so that you can access the power of Mercury correctly. It removes negativity not just from your surroundings but also from your mind and soul. Having depression from past few months which gem stone is good for me. Two conjunctions in 3rd house Hence, mercury is not a beneficial planet for the Aries ascendant. Whilst people like to go through the benefits of wearing emerald stone directly, remember, if not worn in the right way, its as useless as wearing none.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'eastrohelp_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-eastrohelp_com-medrectangle-3-0'); So, heres what you should keep in mind while wearing this powerful stone. Emerald is friendly with all the metals. Select Ring or Pendant Design from many options on our website. It definitely has negative effects on the wearer of this stone if it is not wear as per his birth chart and without consulting an astrologer. Lagna is taurus My astrologer suggested me to wear in silver metal but I dunno why and that too on ring finger not on the little he specically told that I dunno why can anyone throw some lights pleas ???? Saturn dasha has given me hard time so if you could help me suggest some remedy during this mahadasha. The stone is likely to aid them from healing your wound and bring calmness and composition in your life. As a result, you will be able to come up with innovative solutions for all problems. g) Emerald gemstone is recommended to Aquarius ascendant individuals as Mercury being the lord of the sixth and ninth house is a beneficial planet for this ascendant. The planet Mercury is the lord of the 2nd and 10th house which is not a benefic planet according to Vedic astrological rules. However, I can say if you belong to Taurus sign, Gemini sign, Cancer sign, Virgo sign, Libra sign, Capricorn sign and Aquarius sign, then silver metal is good. We use 14, 18 or 22K Hallmark . Hi Selvapriyan R, it is not possible to know why your astrologer suggested to wear silver metal. e) After that placed the silver ring stone on green cloth with a picture of Mercury Yantra on it and burn 5 incense stick and chant a mantra Aum Bum Budhaye Namah Aum or Om Budhaye Namah 108 times. Kanishka is the Sanskrit name for the little finger. Although many men (especially younger, unmarried men) prefer the ring finger for things like class rings, fraternal rings, or family crests, the index finger is an excellent spot for a purely decorative emerald ring for a man as well. + $6.00 shipping . c) Mercury is the lord of the ascendant and the tenth house for Gemini ascendant individuals and so the planet is one of the most powerful for them. f) The wearer can enrich their prospects and luck. This is a powerhouse for success and one of the luckiest good luck charms known to humans. i switched to yellow sapphire last week & it left me concerned with the energy in the air (hectic), so i changed & wore emerald/sapphire yesterday & the day was crazy ..! However, you can wear this stone during the major period and sub-period of Mercury if it is posited in its own and exalted sign in Gemini and Virgo. I am Aries Asc, In my D-9 Lagna comes Libra and Mercury is placed in 11th house Leo. . The ruby is said to be the most powerful gem in the universe because of its high energy. Hence, to reap the benefits of wearing a diamond ring, astrologers recommend wearing it on the right hand. Emerald should touch the skin of your finger. Emerald is an extremely opulent gemstone. You have given the country name only. dob 01.18.1962 Use Ruby at least 5 carats with gold in ring finger on Sunday. It can also create the opportunity to augment the spirituality. If you give date of birth, time of birth and place of birth, I can advise you more perfectly. Hi, Also I did calculate manually that Indicates you are born with Aries. What to do when Mercury is weak and afflicted. Its a platform where you can connect with astrologers, book an appointment, and get your birth chart read. Another benefit of wearing emerald is its positive impact on the skin. d) The wearer of the stone is likely to be trustworthy and loyal to the life partner and also have a better understanding among themselves. Second, amethyst is a very powerful stone. Physical Health and Fitness- Moti helps in keeping the heart, skin and eyes healthy. However, Yellow Sapphire and Red Coral is a big big no with Diamond. Emerald, one of the most precious gemstones, is ruled by the planet Mercury. The debilitated Mercury can make ones educational career bleak. t, DOB 19:07:1999 Keep reading to understand the Benefits of Wearing a Diamond. 1. Hence, it is highly beneficial to businessmen. d) Panna stone is also beneficial to the researchers as the stone would enhance their proficiency and aid them to get great results from their research. Hi Chitra It should be at least 5 carats with gold as a pendant or in little finger. It also decreases the stress level in the person wearing it. Hi Raj, you should go for Diamond 1 carat with either white gold or silver. Miscellaneous Benefits of Wearing Emerald Stone, If youre a pregnant woman, wearing an emerald stone will make, Wearing an emerald is considered to be the, Emerald has to be worn in the right way for it to. Continue with Recommended Cookies. It helps in developing understanding with children and instigating unity in the family. Women can wear the Emerald stone on the little finger of their left hand too. Emerald possesses exceptional healing powers to enhance blood circulation and control diseases like asthma, diarrhoea, ulcers, and stammering. Emerald for Leo ascendant The planet Mercury is the lord of the 2 nd and 10 th house which is not a benefic planet according to Vedic astrological rules. specifically the right hand's little finger. The beautiful stone affords professional progress to the wearer and enhances their social . It may also strain a persons relationships with his close family members. Can I wear emerald for my career?? a) If your child finds difficulty in concentrating while studying or find difficulty in grasping the topics or your child is unable to get desired results even though he has worked hard throughout the year then this magical stone would be beneficial to them and reduce their problems and increase their focus and concentration. These are the things that make emerald a highly valued gemstone. Such benefits of wearing emerald in the ring finger are in the following points. ATTENTION TO RIGHT HOLDERS! Hi Sebasjiun, although there are different method to prescribe gemstone, the gemstone recommendation based on ascendant is by far the best. Apart from this you should wear 4 faced Rudraksha and also Budh yantra as a pendant. iam wearing diamond in the ring finger and emerald in the little finger. This stone has various beneficial effects and brings about positive healing effects in matters of finance, wealth, relationships and health. Click to enlarge. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Benefits of Panna stone. Frequent question: Is a 3 carat diamond too big? In addition to this, Emerald is beneficial for communication skills and skills of financial management. Wearing an emerald gives strength to the planet Mercury located in the person's horoscope. g) You can probably achieve your goals and enrich success at a fast pace by wearing Emerald stone. and what about emerald, does it need to be in the silver ring??? I checked it with different licensed version software. You should wear Emerald in little finger. . The wearer can have benefits like good relations with sibling, courage and force. In this video you will learn How to wear emerald, Benefits of wearing emerald gemstone, Z. You will be bestowed with a stunning perspective and people will start believing in you. benefits of wearing emerald in ring finger. As told by some astrologers that is good and by some it is bad. The planet mercury is the lord of 7th house and 10th which is a natural malefic planet for the Sagittarius ascendant. Wearing an emerald gives strength to the planet Mercury located in the person's horoscope. Quick Answer: What type of metal is King Diamond? This green gem can be highly effective if it is worn along with the Blue Sapphire the gemstone for the planet Saturn. Hence, you will be able to explain things in a logical way and People will respect you and look up-to you. The stone is considered to act as an antidote against poison and it also reduces the probability of snake bites. January 23, 2020 POSSIBLE REASONS BEHIND STUDENT VISA REJECTION. In order to get the benefits mentioned above, an individual should wear the natural and astrologically approved stone. It also helps an individual in retaining money and students who have difficulties in learning can wear this gemstone as it can help them to a greater extent. Every gemstone has a ruling planet. Ring finger As the ring finger is related to love and courtship, a ring here is believed to improve the warmth between partners in a relationship. Now take out the Panna stone and put it on the ring finger. Article Content hide 1) The symbolism of rings on each finger 2) Spiritual meaning of wearing a ring on different fingers 3) Spiritual meanings of wearing rings on the right and left hands In some schools, the middle finger is also called the finger of Saturn, as it represents the Saturn's traits and qualities. 1. Again it is good for people associated with ct scan, MRI and skin. Your best suitable stone is Red coral. c) Emerald is not recommended to Cancer ascendant individuals because the planet Mercury is the natural benefic planet for this ascendant and so it is advised to avoid wearing the stone. Emerald should touch the skin of your finger. But women can wear this stone on the little or ring finger of their left hand as well. As Jupiter is weak, you need Yellow Sapphire. Do Gems Work- No They Dont for 90% of the People-Why?. Hi Sudipto, the planet Mercury and Sun has created Buddhaditya Yoga a well-known and popular yoga. The GaneshaSpeaks Team. God Bless!! Emerald is a stone, and it has extraordinary benefits in Astrology. The Taurus is wrong one and maybe that software that tells Taurus must have some deficiency of astrological arithmetic. Place: Mumbai, India, Also if you can advise on any prayers or Mantras to be performed for Marriage and Fruitful Career. Thank you sir It can be more effective if it is worn along with Diamond the gemstone for Venus which is the lord of ascendant. b) Mercury is not the beneficial planet for Aries ascendant individuals as the planet is the lord of the third and sixth house. People suffering from any of these difficulties can wear panna stone to reap its ultimate benefits and recover from all these troubles. Step 5 - Minimum Weight of the Gemstone. Suggested to wear the green emerald asthma, diarrhoea, ulcers, and.! Of at least 5 carats with gold in little finger upon your budget gem can be effective... And start experiencing the benefits of emerald in the silver ring???... Apart from this, emerald is a 3 carat Diamond too big, to reap the mentioned! Ring finger and emerald in the ring finger of their left hand too and time of birth is UAE... Some remedy during this mahadasha courage and force precious gemstones, is ruled by the Mercury... 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