Spouse. I agree with everyone, those were the best corn chips EVER!!!!! Those were the best chips ever made. Organise, control, distribute, and measure all of your digital content. If they would just start making Regal Crown sour candies again too. I remember Wampum was the first to have the larger chips. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Morgan Sanchez Herman W. Lay (1909-1982) attended Furman University on an athletics scholarship in the late 20s, but left after two years to pursue his entrepreneurial leanings. 7 Who was Laura Scudder and what did she do? Borden Buys Laura Scudder to Get Bite of State Market. ago. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Laura Scudder Potato Chips - It was 1926, in Monterey Park, California where LAURA SCUDDER created the first sealed bag of potato chips. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. More recently, a branch of the Davis County Library was built on the city property. Perfect for a delicious snack on the go or at work or school. Smucker Company website,[40] the Laura Scudder's Natural Peanut Butter business was acquired by Smucker's from BAMA Foods Inc. in December 1994. Laura Scudders started her food company in 1926 after moving to Monterey Park, California. of Television Radio &. According to the J.M. ~~ Thanks for watching! The following year Snack Alliance, Inc. was acquired by Shearers Foods Inc. Laura Clough Scudder (July 19, 1881 - March 13, 1959) was an entrepreneur in Monterey Park, California, who made and sold potato chips and pioneered the packaging of potato chips in sealed bags to extend freshness. Picking up In-store pickup, ready within 2 hours Same Day Delivery Scheduled contactless delivery as soon as today Shipping Free with RedCard or $35 orders * * Exclusions Apply. Also Bell Brand chips and Laura Scudders wee good. Yea grew with these too in arizona .one of our boarders worked at warehouse would bring cases of chips.wampu and the frito bandido..wnd laura scuders peanut buttergrew up near reservation.they wern offended by it nor were weflower children were though. Granny Goose Foods, the Oakland maker of potato chips that struggled in recent years to remain solvent, has finally thrown in the towel. 12 crispy, salty snack foods from the 1960s. Man, the BBQ tasted really great! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". <cutline_leadin>Laura's grandson: </cutline_leadin>John Scudder, 60, of Newport Beach poses with a picture of Laura Scudder, the famous potato chip maker. Once a week on his payday, my Dad would bring the local daily newspaper, a couple bags of chips and a big 'glass' bottle of soda-pop. 3 What is the most successful potato chip company? Born in 1881, in Philadelphia, as Laura Clough, she was a nursing student in Trenton, N.J. Laura Clough Scudder is one of the legends of Potato Chips and Crisps. "Me wantum wampum, plenty corny wampum. Why not show name.why not show package" These were truly the greatest chips I have ever eaten. You're all whack! 1 1 result Laura Scudder's Ranch Dip Mix - 0.5oz Laura Scudder's 17 SNAP EBT eligible $0.99 (Scudder was also the first known female attorney in Ukiah, California.) I hope you all do too in yours. Laura Clough Scudder (born July 19, 1881, March 13, 1959) was a Monterey Park, California entrepreneur who made and sold potato chips, as well as pioneering the use of sealed bags to keep them fresh. I'd buy them by the case! I had them for lunch in 1960, and I'm sure they are older than that. "How about some coloured beads and wampum?" ~ You'd never find these on the shelves in the US, not in today's PC world! RM Smythe Old Company Stock Research Since 1880. Herrs has just started making BBQ corn chips that taste exactly like Laura Scudders BBQ chips back in the 90s. She became known as the Potato Chip Queen.. Do they still make Laura Scudder potato chips? I am eating Fresh&Easy brand "original jumbo dippin' corn chips" and I told my husband, "these taste like Wampum!" I even vaguely remember the radio jingle. Smucker Company acquired the Laura Scudders Natural Peanut Butter business from BAMA Foods Inc. Today, Laura Scudders brand is a premium, well known natural peanut butter with a strong West Coast presence. or island lime soda(did schweppes or canada dry make it? She started her own food company in Monterey Park, California, where she began making potato chips. I will have to try the Trader Joes brand. Why did they stop making these corn chips?? Find out DETAILS Credit: Archive Films Granny Goose Foods, Inc. was founded in Oakland, California, by Matthew Barr in 1946. Lays Lays was the most popular potato chip brand in the United States, with sales of about 1.7 billion dollars in 2017, accounting for roughly 29.6% of the potato chip market that year. Grow your brand authentically by sharing brand content with the internets creators. That's why we bought them instead of Fritos. I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. In 1931, the company expanded to peanut butter. lol, my brother just called me and asked me if i remembered Wampum chips,i said yes the best chips ever.He was watching the movie Hud.with Paul Newman & Patricis Neal mentioned the chips, Michael, your brother did hear a mention of wampum in Hud, but I belive the reference was to Indian beads for trading, not corn chips: "I'll bring you a half-pound box of candy, maybe some perfume." Just, "aw, sorry, we discontinued it, it's too bad that you liked it . The Granny Goose brand will not disappear from store shelves, however. [citation needed] In 2008, Universal Robina Corporation acquired the Granny Goose snack business of GMC. In the Philippines, Granny Goose was known for its Tortillos and Kornets corn-based snacks manufactured by General Milling Corporation (GMC) under license from Granny Goose Foods Inc. since 1982. The snack aisle at your local grocery store can be . When I was about 10 yrs old wee would come home every Friday night late from church and my father would stop at a small market and let us kids get a bag of laura Scudder corn chips and a orange soda. Make work from home work for your tummy with delicious snacking options like a cookie, a scoop of your favorite sundae ice cream or a pack of Flamin Cheetos. After scouring the internet and browsing images and finding this page, I am pretty certain that it is the Laura Scudder's Wampum corn chips that the Trader Joe's corn chips reminded me of. Granny Goose Foods, an Oakland potato chip manufacturer that struggled to stay solvent in recent years, has finally given up. I have been craving the taste of the best corn chips ever made. 2 cups sour cream 4-5 green onions 1 teaspoon garlic powder 3/4 teaspoon sea salt 1 teaspoon dried parsley 1/2 teaspoon white pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric 1/2 teaspoon celery salt Instructions Finely slice green onions. I did however remember a cartoon like American Indian on the packaging. I recently tried Trader Joe's brand of corn chips and they gave my memory a jolt. One of my favorite snacks as a kid was Wampum Chips (pref. I definitely remember Wampums - they were great! Silver Mining & Silversmiths: Heirlooms of Tomorrow 1930 US Bureau of Mines, First Sergeant 1958 US Army; The Big Picture TV-410, Submersibles: Footprints in the Sea 1965 US Navy; Deep Jeep, Soucoupe, Moray, CURV, Industrial Film Production: Check And Let Me Know 1962 Calvin Productions, Robert Burns Cigar Commercial ~ 1955 General Cigar Company, Montevideo: Uruguay Family 1949 US Office of Inter-American Affairs; Julien Bryan, Army Talent Show 1955 US Army; The Big Picture TV-315, Bell OH-58A Kiowa Introduction ~ 1969 US Army Aviation Systems Command - Bell Helicopter, The Fun of Being Thoughtful 1950 Coronet Instructional Films; Schoolroom Social Guidance, Scudders Potato Chip TV Commercial ~ 1962 Laura Scudder Potato Chip Factory. There are more as well. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. I have also tried the Trader Joe's corn chip and do believe that it is very similar to the Wampun taste. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 0 views, 7 likes, 0 loves, 3 comments, 27 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Laura Scudder's: Laura Scudder's Potato Chips Commercial (1950s) so I'm notcrazy, there was a Wampum chips in the 60s. Growing up, he attended Erwin Street Elementary School in Van Nuys, California. Known for. Continue with Recommended Cookies, How to Turn a Potato Chips Bag into a Serving Bowl. Also from CABellflower, always had Wampums in my pink poodle lunch box every dayyummmm. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? It does not store any personal data. Thick ridges help hold more great potato chip flavors and stand up to the thickest dips. From Frito-Lay, Fritos & Funyuns to corn crisps, cheddar chips, crunchy cheetos, Doritos, Tostitos & Pringles, there are so many options to stock up your snack drawer. Total Time: 15 minutes. SEALRIGHT PACKAGING AD FEATURING NOEL'S POTATO CHIPS SEALRIGHT was a Phillips 66 company . Change up your parties with this easy green onion dip recipe! Lays Sadly, it's different times now. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 72,73,74 hah !what country did you immigrate from? Teddie All Natural Smooth Peanut Butter: This brand contains only dry roasted peanuts and salt, making it a great option when looking for a healthy brand. An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. I wouldn't be surprised if they're from the same source. Grew up in Whittier in the 60's. Snack food giant Borden is biting into the lucrative California munchies market by purchasing Laura Scudders, an Anaheim firm best known for its potato chips and natural peanut butter, for an estimated $100 million. google_ad_type = "text_image";
was selling the Chips featured on this page. UPC : 015500181500 015500183689. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. In a series of television commercials first aired in the 1960s, the companys spokesperson, who self-identified as Granny Goose, was portrayed by actor Philip Carey as an ultra-masculine tough guy, depicted in the commercials as such manly stereotypes as a cowboy or a James Bond-style spy. Potato Chipper Dec.1962. What a memory! It was different back then though. A company that has made some of the best potato chips in the country, the people of India know Kushal Foods to be one of the most reliable producers of . . Potato Chips and Crisps by Laura Scudder's Laura Scudder's Address: PO Box 8129, Newport Beach, California 92658, USA Phone: 714 444 3700 Website: www.laurascudders.com Email: Contact Form Laura Scudder's Laura Clough Scudder is one of the legends of Potato Chips and Crisps. It seems like a natural thing. Snack food giant Borden is biting into the lucrative California munchies market by purchasing Laura Scudders, an Anaheim firm best known for its potato chips and natural peanut butter, for an estimated $100 million. Also check out the other =Food of the 70s?> pages. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "Me wantum wampum, plenty corny wampum.. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. What was the first brand of potato chips? Herman W. Lay. Wampums - best ever - distrint corn flavor - ridges - they were the best! Package Dimensions : 5.59 x 5.59 x 4.45 inches; 1.08 Pounds. Laura Scudder's is a potato chips production company located in Newport Beach. Lays Potato Chip Lionel Messi G.O.A.T. Locator: I wish they would make a come back, OMG I have been drooling about WAMPUMs for about 2 years now. //-->, Loading images, if this message doesn't go away you may need to enable javascript in order to see pictures. We enjoyed these chips in Southern California when we were growing up on the 1960s. Today's potato chips production. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? Family (1) Spouse Marietha Zumaran (2006 - 8 October 2016) (his death) Trivia (8) Also an Acting Teacher. Yes, they were a bit salty, but the flavoring was literally mouth watering for a basic 'snack'. Came in a black and gold can. In the 20th century, potato chips spread beyond chef-cooked restaurant fare and began to be mass-produced for home consumption. While the Clover Club brand still exists now part of Manuels Fine Foods the Kaysville factory closed about 15 years ago. Wish they'ed come back! My mom always packed Wampum in my lunch and they were always the best part (unless a Hostess Cupcake was also in there). Nothing then nor now can hold a candle to these chips! Thanks! After moving to Monterey Park, California, she started her food company, Laura Scudders, in 1926. Lays was the leading potato chip brand of the United States with about 1.7 billion U.S. dollars worth of sales in 2017, accounting for approximately 29.6 percent of the potato chip market that year. so i did a search for the wampums, lived in alameda,ca bay area, i remember those were so so good, i would buy a bay and enjoy those soooo muchhhh. Does ANYONE make a decent bbq corn chip anywhere?? Bordons of Columbus acquired Cains in 1987 when it bought Snacktime of Indianapolis. Daisy's were really good too! - they were the best corn chips and they gave my memory a.... Elementary school in Van Nuys, California, by Matthew Barr in 1946 chips featured on this page food. Just started making BBQ corn chip and do believe that it is very similar to the Wampun taste be for. Nothing then nor now can hold a candle to these chips Newport Beach 70s? > pages sealright packaging FEATURING... The larger chips surprised if they would make a decent BBQ corn chips Laura. 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